M-Th: 7:30 - 6:30; F: 7:30 - 5:00; S: 8:00 - 1:00

We see patients, just like you, every day for sciatic nerve pain.

And because of that we understand what it takes to get your sciatic nerve pain better.  We know by now, you may be frustrated with your sciatic nerve pain, you may have tried other things like medications, massage, hot showers, etc.  We hear this all the time.

After treating sciatic pain for years, Dr. Joe Denke has come to the conclusion that there are 3 exercises that can relieve 90% of sciatic nerve pain!  And now, he wants to share those exercises with you!

These top tips for sciatic nerve pain will show you:

  • The top 3 stretches you need to start doing today.
  • How exactly to do the stretches.
  • When to do the stretches.
  • And how many times to do them each day!

Enter your email below, to verify you’re not a robot, and we will send you:

  • Dr. Denke’s video tutorial with a detailed description of how to do the stretches.
  • A PDF version of the exercises to keep you on track and accountable.


We will also send you a free guide titled “Get Your Back, Back On Track”, which packed full of extremely valuable information to regain your back health!

Send the "Top Tips For Sciatic Nerve Pain" now!

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